Please feel free to leave comments this is a blog for really just having fun and sharing my adventures. Isn't it great how anyone can now broadcast their life to the world!!


I live just a little out of the town center This is coming up into town. Notice the dirt roads and since it rains a lot it is ALWAYS muddy.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sponge Bob

Hello all,
Ok, fun stuff - I have pictures of the purebred mutt mountain pony sponge bob. Sponge Bob likes carrots and reminds me of Erin's horse Fergie - (Erin can you see the resemblance?) Unfortunately the hombre whom I purchased him from chopped off both his main and tail - I guess I can band it like a pleasure pony !?!

I ordered a saddle from a guy in Cuenca, which is not ready yet so I haven't had a chance to start his training.

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Climbing a tree in the forest.

Climbing a tree in the forest.
I really didn´t climb the tree I just acted like I was going to!!