Please feel free to leave comments this is a blog for really just having fun and sharing my adventures. Isn't it great how anyone can now broadcast their life to the world!!


I live just a little out of the town center This is coming up into town. Notice the dirt roads and since it rains a lot it is ALWAYS muddy.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Ghosts and Gobblins in Cuenca

Halloween!!! Is a special time for Peace Corps Ecuador. 80% of the Volunteers in Ecuador descend upon the quaint town of Cuenca Ecuador, my home turf as I am a proud member of the Cuenca Cluster, for a time of festivities and just plain wierdness. The plain weirdness you ask - what could that entail? Well, for any of yous out there that have ever been Peace Corps volunteers first of all a shout out and secondly you know exactly what I am talking about. I believe that it is a special type of person that signs on to two years of living in squaler - or as in the the case of some Posh Corps Ecuador volunteers finery. When a large number of these personalities are congragated together the results are always fun, but at times as scary as Halloween. He he poor pun. Well the night was intersting, the music dissapointing, but the company EXCELLENT. Above is a picture of Me, Lindsey and Ariana. Please take note that Ariana and I have positioned our side pony tails on opposite sides, making our eighties costumes more unique. A shout out to Lily for the use of her very warm legwarmers, the night air in Cuenca can be quite chilly.
Projects?....? Hmm..... well I´ve been working on my Halloween costume and I finished War and Peace - which is excellent - as well as the Hitch Hiker´s Guide to the Galaxy - which if you have a slightly zany sense of humor, which I do, will find you laughing out loud in your Campo site.

Ariana, Trent, and Lindsey. Trent was a star because he works in a Sachila community and his Sachila name translates to star. Lindsey on the other hand dressed as a Sachila Indian.

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Climbing a tree in the forest.

Climbing a tree in the forest.
I really didn´t climb the tree I just acted like I was going to!!